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&#9561;寄付&#9570; &#63351;アクセス 各キャンパス&#9570; &#9568;データ集 シラバス検索╢研究者データベース╢早稲田大学リポジトリ╢研究シーズデータベース╢学術情報検索╢文化資源データベース╢ &#9569;検索 このサイト╢ 早稲田全体 目的別でお探しの方はこちら ╢ &#9567;Language JapaneseEnglish MyWaseda&#9570;お問い合わせサイトマップ Quick Link&#9675; &#63471; Faculty of International Research and Education早稲田大学 国際学術院 ニュースNews国際学術院についてAbout The Faculty研究と教育Education and Research &#63718;国際学術院について About The Faculty 国際学術院について The Faculty of International Research and Education (FIRE) came into being in April, 2009 and consists of an undergraduate school, the School of International Liberal Studies (SILS), three postgraduate schools, the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies (GSAPS) , the Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics (GSJAL) and the Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies (GSICCS) (since 2013), a research institute, and the Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (WIAPS). All these institutions are actively engaged in educating international students and large numbers of their staff are involved in research activities at the international level. Approximately 1,500 international students are currently enrolled in FIRE from countries around the world. The research results of FIRE faculty members appear in top international journals, are published by well-known international publishers, and are delivered at distinguished international conferences. FIRE aims to be a truly international institution by structuring itself according to international standards of higher education. It has a large number of international faculty members, admissions systems to accept students twice a year (April and September), and standardized academic policies and content. As a liberal arts school, SILS offers a wide variety of courses, ranging from natural science to social science and the humanities, and nurtures in its students a high level of communicative capability, independent spirit, and critical thinking skills. 90 percent of the lectures and seminars are taught in English, and students must study abroad for one year. At GSAPS, students are involved in theoretical and empirical research in the fields of area studies, international relations, and international cooperation/policy studies. GSAPS consists of a MA degree program and a Ph.D. degree program, and introduces a ‘two language education system’ in Japanese and English for students to be able to complete the program by taking courses in either or both languages. GSJAL consists of a MA degree program and a Ph.D. degree program. This postgraduate school trains students to be specialists in Japanese language teaching or academics in the area of applied linguistics. GSICCS is an international, interdisciplinary graduate school offering MA and PhD degrees in English, centered around the concept of communication, in relation to language, society, and culture. In the wake of SILS, students from all over the world study with researchers from the five continents, tackling a wide variety of topics ranging from visual culture to international relations, plurilingual education and diversity, comparative studies and digital humanities. WIAPS focuses on the rapidly changing and developing Asia-Pacific region, aiming to construct a research and education network as well as becoming the source of abundant research results and information in diverse fields. In particular, it is dedicated to pursuing world-class research. In the four schools and one research institute of FIRE, many different languages can be heard, reflecting the international composition of its students and faculty. FIRE has a real cosmopolitan outlook and atmosphere and, in this sense, it is unique in Japan. You can broaden your horizons and learn how to make a difference by coming to FIRE. 国際学術院は2009年4月に誕生しました。世界各国からの学生に対する教育機関と、国際的な研究活動を行う研究機関を包摂する学術院です。 Page Top &#63344; 早稲田大学 国際学術院 JapaneseEnglish www.waseda.jp/fire 国際学術院について研究と教育 お問い合わせサイトマップ Other sites 国際学術院国際教養学部アジア太平洋研究科アジア太平洋研究センター日本語教育研究科国際コミュニケーション研究科 早稲田大学オフィシャルサイト(https://www.waseda.jp/fire/)は、以下のWebブラウザでご覧いただくことを推奨いたします。 推奨環境以外でのご利用や、推奨環境であっても設定によっては、ご利用できない場合や正しく表示されない場合がございます。より快適にご利用いただくため、お使いのブラウザを最新版に更新してご覧ください。 このままご覧いただく方は、「このまま進む」ボタンをクリックし、次ページに進んでください。 このまま進む &#63341; 対応ブラウザについて Google ChromeWindowsバージョン38 以上Macintoshバージョン38 以上Webサイト Fire FoxWindowsバージョン33 以上Macintoshバージョン33 以上Webサイト SafariWindowsバージョン38 以上Macintoshバージョン38 以上Webサイト Internet ExplorlerWindowsバージョン10 以上Webサイト

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